Shure Microphone SM80 User Manual

The Shure Model SM80 is a high-quality, omnidirec-  
tional condenser microphone designed for the most  
demanding professional applications in studio record-  
ing, broadcasting and sound reinforcement. It is  
especially suitable for applications requiring extremely  
wide frequency response, low noise and distortion  
characteristics, very low RF susceptibility, and reliable  
operation over a wide range of temperature and humid-  
ity extremes. The SM80 features a selectable 10 dB  
attenuator and a three-position low-frequency response  
switch. The case is constructed of steel for ruggedness,  
with a stainless steel screen, and finished in durable  
vinyl paint.  
The SM80 is designed for phantom (simplex) power-  
ing from an external supply such as the Shure Model  
PS1A, or directly from recording, broadcast or sound  
reinforcement equipment. The SM80 operates over a  
wide voltage range covering both DIN Standard 45 596  
phantom voltages of 12 and 48 volts.  
The microphone is supplied with a highly efficient  
pop filter grille (Model A81G), attenuator lock, and  
swivel adapter. Also available for use with the SM80 are  
a unidirectional microphone cartridge (Model R104), a  
heavy-duty windscreen (Model A81WS), and a compact,  
lightweight microphone stand (Model S15) capable of  
being extended to 4.3m (14 ft). A dual-channel power  
supply (Model PS1A) is available for providing phantom  
power to the SM80.  
Omnidirectional condenser (electret bias)  
Frequency Response  
20 to 20,000 Hz (see Figure 1)  
n Wide-range frequency response for exceptionally  
accurate recording and sound reinforcement appli-  
n Low noise and high output clipping level char-  
Low distortion characteristics over the entire audio  
spectrum for a wide range of load impedances  
Polar Pattern  
Omnidirectional polar pattern is equally sensitive to  
sounds from all directions  
Omnidirectional (see Figure 2)  
Very low RF susceptibility  
Selectable low-frequency response: flat, 6 or 18  
dB/octave rolloff  
10 dB attenuator accessible without disassembly;  
lockable in either position  
Wide-range phantom powering includes DIN 45 596  
voltages of 12 and 48 Vdc  
n Rugged construction for outstanding reliability  
Field-usable over wide range of temperature and  
humidity conditions  
Model SM80-LC: Supplied less cable.  
Copyright 1986, Shure Brothers Incorporated  
Printed in U.S.A.  
Patent Pending  
Output Impedance  
Steel construction with metallic vinyl paint finish and  
stainless steel screen  
Rated at 150 ohms (85 ohms actual)  
Recommended minimum load impedance: 800 ohms  
(May be used with loads as low as 150 ohms with  
reduced clipping level)  
See Figure 3  
Output Level (at 1,000 Hz)  
Open Circuit Voltage  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65 dB (0.56 mV)  
(0 dB = 1 volt per microbar)  
Equivalent Power Level  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
-40.5 dB  
(0 dB = 1 milliwatt with 10 microbars)  
Clipping Level (at 1,000 Hz)  
800-ohm Load  
150-ohm Load  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
- 4 dBV (0.63V)  
- 15 dBV (0.18V)  
Total Harmonic Distortion  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
230 grams (8 oz)  
1.2 kg (2 lb 10 oz)  
Less than 0.5% (132 dB SPL at 250 Hz into 800-ohm  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Maximum SPL (at 1,000 Hz)  
137 dB (attenuator at 0); 147 dB (attenuator at 10)  
with 800-ohm load  
*S/N ratio is difference between microphone output at 94 dB SPL and microphone  
self-noise A-weighted.  
**Designed to mate with Cannon XL series, Witchcraft A3 (Q.G.) series or  
equivalent connectors.  
129 dB (attenuator at 0); 139 dB (attenuator at 10)  
with 150-ohm load  
The SM80 is designed for phantom powering by a  
Shure Model PS1A Power Supply, or by virtually any  
microphone power supply providing 12 to 48 Vdc phan-  
tom voltage.  
Use only high-quality cables, as intermittent shorts  
between broken shield wires and balanced conductors  
will cause extremely large noise transients in the  
system. Avoid ground loops due to grounded connector  
shells or the microphone case touching other grounded  
metal objects. Follow generally accepted audio ground-  
ing practices.  
Hum Pickup  
-4 dB equivalent SPL in a 1 millioersted field (60 Hz)  
Output Noise (equivalent sound pressure levels)  
17 dB typical, A-weighted  
20 dB typical, weighted per DIN 45 405  
Signal-to-Noise Ratio  
77 dB (IEC 179)* at 94 dB SPL  
Overvoltage and Reverse Polarity Protection  
Max. External Voltage Applied to  
Paralleling or “Y-ing” the SM80 with another micro-  
phone (two microphones on the same input) is not  
recommended; separate inputs are preferable.  
However, paralleling two SM80’s may be accomplished  
with either a reduction in maximum SPL and output  
level, or a reduction only in output level if the micro-  
phones are electrically isolated. With the microphones  
paralleled either before or after a PS1A Power Supply,  
the maximum SPL is reduced by approximately 10 dB  
and the output level by 6 dB. The reduction in maximum  
SPL can be avoided by using either two Shure A15AS At-  
tenuators and a Switchcraft 391Q43 Y-Adapter to  
isolate the microphones, or an isolation network as  
shown in Figure 4. The network reduces each micro-  
phone output level by 8 dB, while the A15AS reduces the  
output level by 5 dB plus the attenuator’s 15, 20 or 25 dB  
(switch-selectable). The network or attenuators can be  
inserted between the power supply outputs and mixer  
input, or between two microphones and a single power  
supply input. Note that a PS1A Power Supply can power  
two SM80’s on each input; other power supplies should  
be checked to see if they can supply a minimum of 10  
Vdc at each microphone when both microphones are  
Pins 2 and 3 with Respect to Pin 1  
Reverse Polarity Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 mA max.  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 52 Vdc  
Positive pressure on diaphragm produces positive  
voltage on pin 2 relative to pin 3  
Cartridge Capacitance  
31 pF  
LF Response Switch  
Flat, -6 dB/octave below 100 Hz, -18 dB/octave  
below 80 Hz  
Attenuator Switch  
0 or 10 dB (68 pF)  
Supply Voltage . . . . . . . 11 to 52 Vdc, positive pins 2 and 3  
Current Drain  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 mA to 1.2 mA  
Environmental Conditions  
Relative Humidity 0 - 50%  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
-29° to 74°C  
(-20° to 165°F)  
-29° to 57°C  
(-20° to 135°F)  
Relative Humidity 0 - 95%  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
A minimum load impedance of 800 ohms or greater  
should be used for maximum signal handling and  
minimum distortion. The load may be as low as 150  
Professional three-pin audio**  
ohms, but a reduction in output clipping level will result.  
It should be noted that the power supply itself may add  
loading (3300 ohms in the Shure PS1A Power Supply) to  
the microphones.  
better to assure close matching, although the absolute  
value is not critical. Note that the two-resistor phantom  
power supply (Figure 5) presents a load equal to 4R,  
paralleled with the mixer input impedance, to the SM80.  
If the combined parallel load is below 800 ohms, the  
transformer configuration (Figure 6) is recommended,  
and if the combined load is 150 ohms or less, it must be  
If the power supply is unregulated, the power supply  
voltage may drop when the SM80 is connected to it, due  
to the added load. To account for this load, the value of  
R may be determined as follows. Connect a variable  
resistance (or resistor substitution box) in series with a  
10-kilohm, 10% resistor. Connect the free end of the 10k  
resistor to ground and the free end of the variable  
resistor to B + of the power supply. Adjust the variable  
resistor until 12 to 36 volts is measured across the 10k  
resistor. Note the actual dc supply voltage and the value  
of the variable resistor. Verify that the resistor value  
falls with the indicated range on the graph of Figure 7.  
The value of the variable resistor is the appropriate  
resistance R for use in Figure 6. If the configuration in  
Figure 5 is to be used, double the resistor value (2R).  
Voltages as low as 10 Vdc minimum as measured at the  
microphone connector are acceptable. The nominal cur-  
rent drain at 10 Vdc is 1.1 mA. This is the minimum cur-  
rent a power supply must be able to deliver for proper  
Connect the microphone cable to the SM80 and the  
power supply MICROPHONE connector. The power sup-  
ply uses the balanced audio cable pair to carry the sup-  
ply current to the microphone, and the cable shield as a  
ground return.  
Connect the power supply OUTPUT connector to a  
low-impedance microphone input of the mixer, audio  
console or tape recorder. A second SM80 may be con-  
nected to the remaining power supply channel in a  
similar manner.  
As an alternate to the PS1A power supply, the SM80  
may be phantom-powered from virtually any mixer,  
audio console or tape recorder using one of the wiring  
configurations shown in Figures 5 and 6. Any well-  
filtered voltage available in the mixer from 12 to 48 Vdc  
may be used. The graph in Figure 7 shows the range of  
values which can be used for resistor R when the SM80  
is used with a regulated power supply. The tolerance of  
the resistors (2R) shown in Figure 5 should be 1% or  
For example, in mixers with 30 Vdc power supplies,  
the value of 2R for the configuration in Figure 4 could be  
3.6k. Two 3.6k resistors should be closely matched (2%  
or better), and may be mounted externally with the B +  
end connected to the 30V terminal. The resistors may  
also be mounted internally (such modifications should  
be performed by qualified service personnel only).  
A convenient method of battery-powering the SM80  
using two 9-volt batteries is shown in Figure 8. Note  
input. A resistive attenuator can be inserted in the  
microphone line ahead of the mixer to minimize this.  
The Shure Model A15AS Attenuator (15, 20 or 25 dB  
switch selectable) is specially designed for use with  
condenser microphones. A convenient 15 dB attenuator  
design is shown in Figure 9. The resistors shown are  
1/2-watt, 1% tolerance, and the circuit may be pack-  
aged in a Switchcraft S3FM adapter housing. The 15 dB  
attenuator can be used between the SM80 and the PS1A  
(or other power supply), or between the PS1A and the  
mixer. Two of these attenuators may be used in series  
to provide 30 dB of attenuation. Note that commercially  
available 150-ohm attenuators (such as the Shure Model  
A15A) are not recommended, due to loading.  
that this circuit can on/y be used with balanced, floating  
(ungrounded), transformer-coupled input mixers such  
as the Shure M67 or SE30. The resistors should be 1%  
tolerance or better to assure close matching. With new  
batteries, this supply will operate an SM80 for approx-  
imately 200 hours.  
The SM80 has a three-position low-frequency  
response switch located on its handle. The switch is  
recessed to avoid accidental movement, but may be  
easily moved with the fingertips. The user may select  
either flat response, low-frequency rolloff of 6 dB per oc-  
tave below 100 Hz, or low-frequency cutoff of 18 dB per  
octave below 80 Hz (see Figure 1).  
The SM80 has a switchable 10 dB capacitive atten-  
uator to prevent high sound pressure levels from over-  
loading the microphone’s internal electronics. The  
attenuator is engaged by rotating the actuator ring  
directly below the grille assembly. In the “10” position,  
the output of the microphone is reduced by 10 dB, in-  
creasing the maximum sound pressure level at clipping  
by 10 dB.  
The attenuator ring may be locked in either the “0” or  
“10” position as follows. Unscrew the grille and car-  
tridge assembly by unscrewing counterclockwise from  
the top. Turn the actuator ring to the “0” or “10” position  
as desired. Insert the actuator ring lock (small curved  
piece of plastic) in the area behind the actuator ring be-  
tween the pin and the edge of the slot, thereby preven-  
ting the ring from turning. Replace the grille and car-  
tridge assembly.  
The amount of attenuation can be increased by  
changing the value of the capacitor in the 10 dB at-  
tenuator switch assembly. Note that this change must  
be done carefully and with subsequent cleaning to  
avoid possible signal-to-noise degradation. Unscrew  
the grille and cartridge assembly (counterclockwise  
from top). Lift the 10 dB attenuator actuator ring up and  
over the screw threads. Grasp the center contact of the  
10 dB attenuator switch assembly and lift upward to  
remove it. Obtain a 5% NPO monolithic ceramic  
capacitor (Centralab MONO-KAP CN series or  
equivalent) of the required value for the desired attenua-  
The excellent frequency response of professional  
condenser microphones such as the SM80 makes them  
quite sensitive to wind, breath and air currents from ven-  
tilation equipment. The resulting low-frequency micro-  
phone output may cause mixer overload or other prob-  
lems. The Model A81G Pop Filter Grille attenuates  
breath popping sounds when the microphone is close-  
talked, and permits its use outdoors with minimal  
pickup of rushing and rumbling sounds.  
Slip the A81G over the SM80 until the inside of the  
A81G touches the top of the microphone. Tighten the  
A81G by rotating the knurled collar clockwise from the  
bottom. When removing the A81G, loosen the knurled  
collar first (otherwise the cartridge will unscrew with  
the A81G).  
For outdoor use under very windy conditions, the  
Model A81WS Heavy-Duty Windscreen is recom-  
-15 dB  
150 pF  
-20 dB  
270 pF  
A block diagram of the SM80 is shown in Figure 10.  
The capacitor cartridge is followed by a switch-con-  
trolled capacitive attenuator stage which provides for  
10 dB attenuation at the cartridge output. The signal is  
fed to a field-effect transistor (FET) impedance con-  
version stage. The FET output drives an active low-  
frequency response (high-pass) filter controlled by a  
three-position switch. The filter output from a com-  
pound transistor, Class A, emitter-follower amplifier is  
transformer-coupled, providing a balanced output to the  
RFI protection filter at the microphone connector. An  
active, constant-current power supply circuit regulates  
the phantom voltage, allowing the SM80 to operate over  
a very wide range of voltages. A reverse voltage protec-  
tion diode guards against miswired cables and equip-  
ment. The circuit contains five semiconductors to pro-  
vide low noise, low distortion, wide frequency response  
and ultra-reliable operation over a very wide range of  
operating conditions.  
-25 dB  
-30 dB  
560 pF  
.001 µF  
Using long-nose pliers and a low-wattage, pencil-type  
soldering iron, carefully remove the capacitor from the  
switch assembly and replace it with the new value. Take  
care not to touch the switch assembly with the solder-  
ing iron. To remove possible contamination, after  
soldering wash the entire switch assembly in a mild  
detergent solution, rinse it in distilled water, soak it in  
alcohol to remove the water, and allow it to air dry.  
Reassemble the SM80. Note the new attenuation value  
on the SM80 attenuator ring with a small label.  
The SM80 output is about 15 dB higher than most  
dynamic microphones, in order to provide optimum  
signal-to-noise ratio. When used at moderate to high  
SPLs, this additional output may overload the mixer  
frequency response switch and a lockable 10 dB at-  
tenuator pad.  
The overall dimensions shall be 212 mm (8-11/32 in.)  
in length by 23.5 mm (15/16 in.) in diameter. The handle  
diameter shall be 20.1 mm (25/32 in.). The weight shall  
be 230 grams (8 oz).  
The microphone shall be capable of being powered by  
a phantom (simplex) power supply with an output of 11  
to 52 Vdc, or by a mixer, audio console or tape recorder  
capable of supplying 11 to 52 Vdc.  
Due to the high packing density and circuit com-  
plexity of the SM80, only basic servicing is recom-  
mended. The following steps should be taken if  
problems arise.  
1. Check the power supply output voltage to the  
microphone. For the Shure PS1A, this should be 21.5  
± 1.5 Vdc open circuit.  
2. Check the voltage on microphone connector pins 2  
and 3 (at back of connector; cable connector  
disassembled from shell but connected to micro-  
phone). The voltage at pins 2 and 3 with reference to  
pin 1 should be between 10 and 48 Vdc.  
The microphone shall be a Shure Model SM80.  
Pop Filter Grille  
Swivel Adapter  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
10 dB Attenuator  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
If more than one SM80 is available, interchange car-  
tridge assemblies to determine whether the car-  
tridge or amplifier is at fault.  
Phantom Power  
Microphone Cartridge  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Heavy-Duty Windscreen  
Tripod Microphone Stand (4.3m - 14 ft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S15  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
The SM80 can be disassembled as follows:  
1. Unscrew the grille and cartridge assembly (coun-  
terclockwise from top).  
2. Lift the 10 dB attenuator actuator ring up and over  
the screw threads.  
3 . Grasp the center contact of the 10 dB attenuator  
switch assembly and lift upward to remove it.  
4 . Turn the slotted head screw near the plug coun-  
terclockwide (inward) as far as it will go. Using a  
long-nose pliers, grasp one pin of the three-pin con-  
nector and withdraw the RFI filter and plug element  
from the handle.  
Cable (7.6m [25 ft],  
XLR connectors) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C25F  
Grille and Cartridge Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R104A  
10 dB Attenuator Actuator Ring  
10 dB Attenuator Switch  
Low-Frequency Response Switch Knob . . . . . . . . . . 65A1218A  
PC Board Assembly and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90B3820  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31B1334B  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
RFI Filter and  
Plug Element  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
5. Remove the low-frequency response switch knob by  
placing a small screwdriver or tweezers into the slot  
under the ridge of the knob and lifting outward.  
6 . Remove the small Phillips screw near the plug. Tap  
the cartridge end of the handle gently on a firm sur-  
face; the printed circuit board and support assembly  
will slide out of the cartridge end.  
This Shure product is guaranteed in normal use to be  
free from electrical and mechanical defects for a period  
of one year from date of purchase. Please retain proof  
of purchase date. This guarantee is in lieu of any and all  
other guarantees or warranties, express or implied, and  
there shall be no recovery for any consequential or in-  
cidental damages.  
Carefully repack the unit, insure it, and return it  
prepaid to:  
The microphone shall be a condenser microphone  
with a frequency response of 20 to 20,000 Hz. It shall  
have an omnidirectional pickup characteristic. The  
microphone shall have a rated output impedance of 150  
ohms for connection to microphone inputs of 150 ohms  
or higher. The open circuit voltage shall be -65 dB (0.56  
mV) (0 dB equals 1 volt per microbar).  
Shure Brothers Incorporated  
Attention: Service Department  
222 Hartrey Avenue  
Evanston, Illinois 60202-3696  
If outside the United States, return the unit to your  
dealer or Authorized Shure Service Center for repair.  
The unit will be returned to you prepaid.  
The microphone shall contain a three-position low-  

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